"All men are frauds. The only difference between them is that some admit it. I myself deny it." H.L. Menken

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Packing my bags for the spring/summer in the park. These are the items that no seasonal laborer or seasoned dirtbag should leave home without.

1.) Flyrod

2.) Electronic social life.

3.) Climbing gear

4.) Hatchet/Axe (for hunter gather related duties, and protection in the case of "Deliverance" like scenarios.)

5.) Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue (Less tasteful options are not only allowed but encouraged.)

6.) Barley Soda

7.) Mexican shower stick (a.k.a. deodorant)

8.) Nerve steadier/laxative (Copenhagen)

9.) Electronic campfire

10.) Cribbage board (Used for settling debates ...if debate remains unsettled see #4.)

-Honorable mentions include instant coffee, canned tuna, the leatherman, toilet paper, first aid kit, and girls.


  1. fucking right! no flask though?

  2. Nice! You may also want to consider adding bear spray or a firearm... unless you feel confident that #4 will fend off a griz.
