"All men are frauds. The only difference between them is that some admit it. I myself deny it." H.L. Menken

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Kenny... World's greatest camper

Well, I only have a week left of summer and over the course of my time at Big Creek, I've seen some pretty cool kids (as well as a million little satans) but my favorite camper has undoubtedly been Kenny.

Aside from being a 4" tall chunk with a lisp and ADHD, the kid was also full of some amazing quotes. Here are a couple:

After another camper claimed it was illegal no to wear underwear- "It's not illegal. I got diahrea at school once and got to take my underwear off halfway through the day."

On seeing a foreign family in Glacier- "Wow! Look Joe, Black people. ...I'm glad that Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream so white people and black people could work together... Then a white guy shot him in the head."

On Godzilla- "I think that when Godzilla was little he was probably a cute little lizard."

On being accused of pooping on the toilet seat- "It wasn't me I swear... Cause one time my mom pooped on the toilet seat, and I threw up a liitle... But it was mostly water."

On ninjas- "When I wear my longjohns I'm like a white ninja. ...If I had black longjohns, I would be a black ninja!" He then did fat kid karate throughout the room.

On mosquitos- "Theres a skeeter on my peter wack it off!" After I told him that was not appropriate he changed it to: "Theres a mosquito on my torpedo wack it off!"

On volcanoes- "What if there was a chocolate volcano! ...but then we'd need a dog treat volcano cause dogs are allergic to chocolate so they'd get poisoned."

For a better understanding of how Kenny actually sounded replace all S's with th's.

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