My boss Beau and I have developed something of a tradition, in which, at the end of every summer we pick a hike that kicks our shit. The hike isn't always long, but due to a combination of length altitude, and ample amounts of navigation error we epic. This season we traversed from Many glacier to the loop via iceberg notch. The first part of the trip is easy: 5 miles to the favorite tourist haunt Iceberg Lake. From there things get tricky. 2,000 feet on rotten scree ledges to the notch. Climbing the notch alone is roughly the same difficulty as most the peaks found on top of the pass.
Beau at the lake with the Notch above.
Beau about halfway up.
Looking down the notch. Some dude skied this last winter!
This is where we began our epic. According to the old Edwards guide it was only another hour to the top of Iceberg peak. We'd made good time so why not? ...thus began a 4hr route finding detour with limited water. The lack of pics from the peak portion speaks to our suffering.
Beau on the summit. the lake is 3,000 feet straight down.
A glisade on our decent down the back side.
Mt. Gould above the granite Chalete on our final 8 mile push from Ahern pass brought us to the loop.