"All men are frauds. The only difference between them is that some admit it. I myself deny it." H.L. Menken

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

12 Months 12 photogs: 2011 in Review.

January. Ranch chores in central Montana. Looking out to the Crazies.

February. The family pooch, on a a hike though the Billings table country.

March. The pretty views and perpetual boredom of being a lifty.

April. Sunset on Flathead with a PBR.

May. Griz tracks near Bowman. GNP.

June. High water and a .44 on the way to Grace Lake. GNP.

July. Bonfire near the trailhead, on the Blackfeet Reservation.

August. Getting out ass kicked on gable pass. No smiles.

September. Summit beers on Hollowtop.

October. The opening day of hunting season in the Whitefish range.

November. My 2by2. Near Lavina.

December. Old growth up Bass creek in the Bitteroot. Find Sarah on the trail to get some idea of the size.

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